From Sketches to Reality

Many designers long for the moment they see their sketch and digital designs come to life. Especially when it comes to a product design.

This time I’m showing you my own sketch that turned into a real product. And I will share with you the process with words and some photos to align it all together.

Safaknur Winter 2018 Collection

Simple fashion design process:


1. Details

Before drawing, the details have to be present.

What will you draw? How will you draw it? What are the details included in your drawing?

Those questions are essential to answer before starting. Aside fro the above questions, keep in mind the type of fabric you’ll work with.

2. Sketch

For sketching your product you don’t need to be a pro at drawing. However, you must learn the basics of drawing to be able to work with a pencil. Drawing ideas is a challenging matter at the beginning but with time you’ll learn how to draw efficiently and fast.

For fashion drawing, the basics that you need to learn are figure drawing, and garments. Learn then try to develop your own style.


3. Painting

By this time, you already have the fabrics or an idea on the fabric color(s) you will work on. All you need to do is paint your sketch with the same color as the fabric you have available.


4. Production

In this step, you will bring your sketch to life. Also, you will be able to observe and learn the mistakes you did during your detailing and sketching parts.

For producing your own fashion pieces or collection, you need to seek someone professional in this field. If you have an in-house tailoring and sewing team then you won’t have a problem in the production step. However, if you don’t have your own team, then you need to search for someone to help tailor your fashion piece (outsourcing). This part alone requires a lot of detailing so I won’t write about it in this article.


5. Result

This is the most joyous part of the whole trip!

Especially when you get what’s in your mind right on, you can’t but feel extremely happy to see your production in front of you. At that moment in particular, what you learn is that with effort it’s possible. Let that moment stick in your head whenever you feel like slacking off or hopeless, remember it and start working again.


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© 2019 Anwaar S. AlAsousi, All rights reserved

Instagram: anwaar.saleh

Twitter: anwaar_saleh

Snapchat: Artistakw